1 |
Beware a pickpocket!
Awas copet! |
2 |
Beware of the dog!
Awas anjing! |
3 |
Persimpangan/perempatan! |
4 |
Berbahaya! |
5 |
High tension current!
Listrik tegangan tinggi |
6 |
Down hill!
Penurunan! |
7 |
Pintu masuk! |
8 |
Pintu keluar! |
9 |
Emergency exit!
Pintu darurat! |
10 |
Drive slowly!
Jalan pelan-pelan! |
11 |
Keep moving!
Jalan terus! |
12 |
Keep silent!
Diharap tenang! |
13 |
Keep to the left!
Jalan sebelah kiri! |
14 |
Keep to the right!
Jalan sebelah kanan! |
15 |
Keep off the grass!
Jangan injak rumput! |
16 |
Keep out!
Dilarang masuk! |
17 |
Level crossing!
Awas kereta! |
18 |
Look out!
Awas!/hati-hati! |
19 |
Look out for the bends!
Awas ada belokan! |
20 |
Move up!
Ayo maju! |
21 |
Mind the step!
Hati-hati tangga! |
22 |
No smoking!
Dilarang merokok! |
23 |
No admittance!
Dilarang masuk tanpa ijin! |
24 |
No entry!
Dilarang masuk! |
25 |
No pass water here!
Dilarang kencing disini |
26 |
No trespassing!
Dilarang lewat tanpa ijin! |
27 |
One-way street!
jalan satu arah! |
28 |
Tarik! |
29 |
Dorong! |
30 |
Private property!
Milik pribadi! |
31 |
Slow down!
Jalan pelan-pelan! |
32 |
Street repairs!
Perbaikan jalan! |
33 |
Speeds limit 40 kilometers!
Kecepatan tertinggi 40 kilometer |
34 |
Pendakian! |